Presentations at the British Court 1898-1929

Muzeum Zamkowe w Pszczynie


Marta Żmija, Oliwia Michniewska

RedKnife Films



Being presented to the British monarch was one of the foremost life-cycle rituals in British Society — marking a girl’s transition to womanhood. Once a girl had been presented to the monarch, she could participate in a London “Season” of parties, balls, races and dinners, which in modern terms we would call a marriage market. Photographs from the famous Lafayette photo studio show how debut girls presented themselves at the court. The arrangement of the exhibition, composed of delicate translucent fabrics, emphasizes the artistry of the costumes. The white setting of the arrangement elements draws attention to the photos. The crepe paper bouquets that complete the entire composition underline the importance of flowers in the arrangement of the staging of the Lafayette studio's photographs. Moving from one room to another, we can observe how the fashion and trends in floristry and accessories have changed. The background is historical events that show the context of the lavish receptions on the British ship. The exhibition was created in cooperation with the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.